2 American mountain climbers missing in northern Pakistan

American mountain climbers missing  in northern Pakistan Two American mountain climbers have gone missing in…

R. Bora

Hawrelak Park Lake To Host Triathlon Despite Blue-Green Algae

Edmonton - Despite some fears, the  the city of Edmonton says the area of Hawrelak Park…

R. Bora

Fertile Envasive Grass Carp Found In Lake Erie

TORONTO - Earlier this month commercial fishermen in Lake Erie caught a grass carp. Over the past…

R. Bora

Scientists Find Wood Ants Thriving In Nuclear Bunker (PHOTO)

TORONTO - An ant colony in Poland has scientists scratching their heads. A colony of…

R. Bora

Tasmanian Devils Becoming More Imune To Horrible Face Cancer (PHOTO)

Tasmanian devils cancer A new study of Tasmanian devils has uncovered signs that the animals are…

R. Bora

Coffee shortage Coming thanks to climate change

Coffee shortage climate change According to a new report, Coffee production could be cut by up…

R. Bora

Caribou herd in Labrador on verge of collapse: government

Biologists from the Governments of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Quebec, with participation of a representative…

R. Bora

Yellowstone south entrance blocked by wildfire: reports

Camers and other park visitors to Yellowstone National Park were being warned about hazards on…

R. Bora

norway lightning strike kills 300 wild reindeer (PHOTO)

norway lightning strike kills scores of reindeer   In this image made available by the Norwegian…

R. Bora

Yellowstone worker dies u cliff fall: reports

Accord to media reports Subday, a 21-year-old concession worker fell to her death early Friday…

R. Bora