Categories: Tips & Tricks

Camping Guide for Beginners

Camping takes a lot of hard work, patience and perseverance. If it’s your first time to set-up a camping trip, below is a camping guide for beginners.

Camping Guide for Beginners: Mental Preparation

Since it’s your first time to head out to a camping trail, you should first psyche yourself for your upcoming trip. Firstly, camping is far from a luxurious get-away. If you expect everything to be laid down for you, then you got it all wrong.

Not only do you have to manually set-up your tent, but you also have to pick up after yourself at all times—yes, even at times when you can’t get out of bed because of a 5-hour climb. Plus, you should always watch after your own needs because when you are out on a camping get-away, you are nobody’s responsibility.

While it may seem difficult at first glance, this is actually what makes camping rewarding. It strips you off the luxury so you can be more connected with yourself and with the world.

Camping Preparation for Beginners

Camping preparation for beginners may not always come easy, most especially if you only got a few days left before your trip. Nonetheless, with a complete camping guide for beginners, a perfect get-away is just a heartbeat away.

Before you pack your necessities, always read camping guides so you would know what to do once you set foot on your campsite. If you don’t know how to set-up a tent, do a mock set-up at home. This way, you won’t feel lost and frustrated at such an early phase of your trip.

Also, if you don’t know how to source out water in case your supply runs low, research on the tools you can use to purify water especially if you are camping during winter. Little it may seem, but this can save your life in case you run into a camping emergency.

Most importantly, always remember your basic necessities: Food, water and clothing. Leave the unnecessary items at home and make sure you are bringing all the tools you can use to hunt for food or get safe drinking water in case a natural disaster strikes.

Camp at Your Own Phase

Lastly, don’t forget to camp at your own level and phase. Not because everybody is planning a camping trip to a difficult trail, it already means you should venture into this kind of adventure. Since you are just starting out, pick sites that are friendlier to campers so your camping experience won’t be traumatic. Then, as you progress, explore new camping sites that match your skills and expertise. Take it slow. You’re not in a marathon anyway.

Marjorie Joy: