Categories: Tips & Tricks

Snake Bite Remedies: Camping 101

Getting bitten by a venomous snake can turn a wonderful camping experience into a life-threatening situation. While not all snakes are lethal in nature, you have to prepare yourself for the worst. In case you got bitten by a snake, below are some of the top snake bite remedies.

What You Need to Know about Snake Bites

Snake bites vary in severity. According to data, most North American snakes are not hazardous to humans. However, this isn’t enough reason for you to ditch first aid snake bite remedies. After all, camping out in the wilderness opens you to endless dangers.

Deadly snakes include rattle snakes, copperheads, coral snakes, cobras and cottonmouth water moccasin. Based on a study, around 8,000 people suffer from venomous snakes bites. Even though the survival rate is significantly high, ignorance can dramatically lessen your chance for survival.

Snake Bite Remedies

In case you were unlucky enough to be bitten by a snake, you should stay calm and clear your head. Below are the top remedies for snake bites during a camping trip:

  • Firstly, compose yourself and move away from the snake’s striking point. Most snakes bite when they sense danger.
  • Familiarize yourself with the color and the physical characteristics of the snake. This will help you get the appropriate treatment once the rescue team arrives.
  • If you are wearing any jewelry or restrict clothing, remove it before any swelling occurs.
  • Position the bitten area below the level of your heart.
  • Allow the bitten area to bleed for around 15 seconds.
  • Cleanse the area, but do not flush it using water. If available, cover the area with a clean dressing or cloth.
  • To restrict movement, create a loose splint. This will secure the area and eliminate any possibility of speeding up the circulation of the venom.
  • Call for help.
  • Watch out for signs of shock which includes shallow breathing, excessive sweating and clammy skin.

What Not to Do in the Event of a Snake Bite

  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks as this will speed up your body’s capability to absorb the venom.
  • Do not apply ice on the affected area.
  • Do not apply tourniquet above or below the area. Even though tourniquet can slow down the circulation of blood, it will limit venom in one area of the body. Highly concentrated venom can cause tissue damage.
  • Do not cut the wound or suction the area in an attempt to take out the venom.
  • Lastly, do not waste your time trying to catch or kill the snake.

Snake bites during a camping trip may not be inevitable, but you should never rule out this possibility. By coming out prepared, you can increase your chance for survival.


Marjorie Joy: