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Marathon Runner Attacked By Bear During Race UPDATE

Marathon runner attacked by bear

Marathon runner attacked by bear

Marathon runner attacked – (The Camping Canuck) – A female black bear attacked a woman running in a marathon Saturday afternoon in the Valles Calderas National Preserve near Los Alamos, officials said.

The victim apparently surprised a mother bear, whose cub ran up a nearby tree, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish officials saidin a statement.

The woman’s upper body, head and neck were bitten and scratched several times, but her injuries were not considered life-threatening. Her condition was not released.

Nearby runners helped the victim until an emergency crew arrived. The victim was airlifted to an Albuquerque area hospital.

As reported by The Guardian, officials were trying to find the bear, to euthanize it and test it for rabies. Although rabies in bears is rare, the DGF said in a statement, “it is nearly 100% fatal in humans if not properly treated”.

Fatal black bear attacks were rare from 1900 to 2009 but they disproportionately occurred in Canada, according to an analysis published ain the Journal of Wildlife Management. Of the 63 people who died in 59 incidents, 44 victims were mauled in Canada. It’s not known why, but periodic food shortages due to shorter growing seasons could be a factor.

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While deadly attacks are not common, recent studies have shown conflicts between humans and black bears are on the rise in many regions of North America. Dr. Herrero said his study underscores the importance of dealing with bears that exhibit predatory behaviour, such as stalking, and warning the public about potential threats.

R. Bora: