Choosing a Good Campsite

My tent doesn’t look like much but, as an estate agent might say, “It is air-conditioned and has an exceptional location.”
Fennel Hudson

Choosing a good campsite is the crucial prerequisite for every camping trip.

If you decide to set up a camp in an established sites be sure to stick to the designated area so as to not expand the already impacted surface. The ground in established sites is already leveled, well sheltered. So don’t need to worry about that.

But if you are camping outside of the established campsites, you should consider next  things.

Ground Surface

First of all, you need to look for a well-drained and leveled ground for your campsite which is free of stones, broken branches, and roots.  Avoid  depressions and gullies as they can flood your camp during heavy rains.


Security is of great importance and you will want to make sure that there is no threat of hazards. You should make sure the campsite is not close to large boulders and falling rocks.  Avoid dead or dying trees. During the storm, branches can break and drop on your tent. Stay away from lone trees too, as they can get struck by lightning.


Distance to a water source ideally  is 200m. Leave no trace principles suggest this distance, but there are more good reasons for it. It can help reduce the internal condensation you experience in your shelter and keep you away from the bugs and animals.


A Certain amount of wind is good to help eliminate shelter condensation, but bear in mind that the summer months may often bring sudden and unexpected storms.  Higher and colder winds can reduce flying insects significantly.


Set up a campsite away from human and animal trails. Respect the privacy of others, trees, bushes and the shape of the terrain can screen your camp from trails.