Nova Scotia’s ‘The Eye’ Destroyed By Nature: Investigation Underway

Mother Nature strikes again, and this time, she’s destroying a popular Novia Scotia landmark.

The landmark, which was often called “The Eye,” was a hole that is part of a natural sea arch located on Long Island, one of the Five Islands in Minas Basin.

The sea arch was a tourist attraction, which drew in many crowds to take pictures of the natural tunnel each year. It was also used by hikers during low tides and kayaks or boaters during high tides.

On Monday, the arch collapsed overnight. It was unexpected, and no one is exactly sure why it occurred, but some suspect that increasingly high tides contributed to its rapid erosion. The highest tide in the area in the last 18 years was recorded just a few weeks ago.

Speaking with the Camping Canuck, local writer Harold Nesbitt shared his reaction with to seeing it there one day, and gone the next. He said, although he understands, he is still upset and “honestly can’t believe it happened.”

Nesbitt had planned to take his own kayak through one day, and expressed regrets about not taking a picture of the day’s previous sunset through the hole.

“I’m messed up right now. I feel really bad,” he said.

ns hole 2

“I was going to take a picture last night because it was so beautiful, with the red sunset coming through the hole,” Nesbitt said Tuesday. “This morning, I said, ‘Where’s the hole?’ It’s a natural phenomenon, acres of land have fallen down and closed it right off and it looks like another island.”

Although the arch is gone, the beautiful landscape of Five Islands is still sure to draw tourists.

Museum will host a community session

Fundy Geological Museum will host a community session on Nov. 1 from 1-3 p.m. to “Remember the Five Islands Arch,”

Topics planned include: How old is the hole in Five Islands? Who has the last photograph? Who has photographs over the past several weeks? Is there evidence of the collapse? What are the local stories – from community members? What are the stories from the Mi’kmaw?

“We will be encouraging people to bring their photos and artifacts, and stories,” said Fedak, who added that display tables of special exhibits would be available for viewing.

The island with the hole in it is one of five small islands about 50 kilometres from Masstown along Highway 2. Travelling west toward Parrsboro, the first island is Moose, the second Diamond and Long Island is in the middle. Egg and Pinnacle islands make up the five.

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